

词汇 collect
释义 collectcollectD.J.:[kəˈlekt]K.K.:[kəˈlɛkt]vt.1.收集, 采集They are collecting this material at the points of origin.他们正在产地收集这种材料。2.领取; 接走; 拿走She collected her mail.她取走了邮件。He collected the children from school.他从学校把孩子们接走了。vi.1.聚集, 集合A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.群众迅速聚集在事故现场。vt. & vi.1.征收; 募集We're collecting for the famine victims.我们正在为遭受饥荒的灾民募款。The government is trying to improve the way it collects taxes.政府正试图改进收税的方式。




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