

词汇 brew
释义 brewbrewD.J.:[bru:]K.K.:[bru]vt. & vi.1.调制, 酿造He sells the wine as soon as he can brew.他的酒一酿好即卖出。He brews beer at home.他在家里酿造啤酒。She brewed us some tea.她给我们沏了茶。The boy brewed a cup of coffee for his mother.这男孩给他妈妈冲了一杯咖啡。2.酝酿, 图谋It looks as if a storm is brewing.看样子一场暴风雨即将来临。The boys are brewing some mischief.那些男孩在图谋捣蛋。n.1.酿造物的种类; 酿造量What's your favourite brew of beer?你爱喝什么啤酒?




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