

词汇 boost up
释义 boost upboost up1.扶助(某人)向上移动; 托起(某人)If you boost me up, I can just reach the window.假如你托我一把, 我正好可以够到窗户。The boy had to be boosted up onto the large horse.那男孩必须让人托着才能骑上那高头大马。2.支援(某人), 增强(某人)的力量The company needs boosting up, if it is not to be defeated by its competitors.该公司如要在竞争中不被对手挤垮, 就须加强实力。Jim is not very cheerful, he needs a holiday to boost him up.吉姆不太快乐, 他需要度假来使他振作起来。




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