

词汇 bury
释义 buryburyD.J.:[ˈberi]K.K.:[ˈbɛri]vt.1.埋葬He felt lonely after he buried his good friend.埋葬了好友之后, 他感到很孤独。2.掩埋, 埋藏The old man is burying his money.老头正在埋藏他的钱。The enemy buried him alive.敌人将他活埋了。3.原谅It's time to bury our differences and be friends again.是我们摒弃分歧重归于好的时候了。4.不公开, 隐藏The anger which had been buried inside me rose to the surface.埋藏在我内心的愤怒暴露了出来。5.沉溺于; 专心于Her head was buried in the book she was reading.她在埋头读书。




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