

词汇 above
释义 aboveaboveD.J.:[əˈbʌv]K.K.:[əˈbʌv]prep.1.(表示位置)在…正上方The aeroplane was flying a few feet above the sea.飞机正在距海面几英尺的低空飞行。The chorus was seated above the orchestra.合唱队的座位高于乐队席。2.(表示方向)在…的另一侧; 在…往北The water is smoother above the dam.坝的另一边水面平静些。The greatest part of Europe is situated above the 45th degree of Northern Latitude.欧洲绝大部分地区位于北纬45度以北。3.(表示比较)优于, 胜于; 较…更为; 高出Because of her beauty, she has managed to marry above her.由于貌美, 她得以嫁给一个地位比她高的人。4.(表示环境)处在…之中; 逆着, 透过The captain's voice was heard above the din.透过一片嘈杂声听到了船长的说话声。5.(表示程度)超过, 超越; 为…所不及You can't expect to succeed if you attempt tasks above your ability.如果你要做能力达不到的事, 就别指望成功。6.(表示等级)在…之上, 高于A lieutenant colonel ranks above a major.陆军中校比少校级别高。7.(表示否定)不受…的影响; 不至于He is above meanness and deceit.他不至于搞卑鄙和欺骗行为。He was quite above owing his meal to the request of a little girl.他绝不屑于应一个小姑娘的邀请去吃饭。8.(表示数目)超过, 超出Above two hundred people attended the meeting.二百多人出席了会议。adv.1.在上面My room is just above.我的房间就在楼上。2.以上This is a military meeting for captains and above.这是一个由上尉及上尉以上军官参加的军事会议。3.上述As is stated above, this principle applies to all cases.如前文所讲, 这一原则适合所有案例。




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