

词汇 dispose of
释义 dispose ofdispose of1.将(某物)处理掉Have you any secondhand books to dispose of?你有旧书要处理吗?He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time.他不知如何打发空余时间。We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.我们必须消灭阁楼里的老鼠。2.驳倒, 击败The experienced politician disposed of the attack in a few minutes.这个富有经验的政治家几分钟内就挫败了这一进攻。3.解决The committee soon disposed of business.委员会很快就把问题解决了。4.将(某物)吃光喝完Those children certainly disposed of all the food that I prepared for the party!那些孩子当然把我为宴会准备的食物全部吃完喽!




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