

词汇 describe
释义 describedescribeD.J.:[disˈkraib]K.K.:[dɪˈskraɪb]vt.1.描写, 叙述Can you describe your son?你能描述一下你儿子吗?She described in detail their resisting the invaders.她详细叙述了他们抵抗侵略者的事迹。Who'd like to describe what happened just now?谁来描述一下刚才所发生的情形?Can you describe it to me?你能把它描述给我听吗?I should describe the attempt as a failure.我认为这次尝试失败了。I hesitate to describe him as really clever.我不愿说他真的聪明。His employer had described him as lacking in initiative and drive.雇主说他缺乏进取心和干劲。They described me to be a mysterious person.他们把我描绘成一个神秘的人。2.画出(图形等)




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