

词汇 dip into
释义 dip intodip into1.把…浸入…中I'll allow the children to dip their bread into the soup.我让孩子们把面包浸在汤里吃。2.(使)浸入(某容器)She kept dipping into the bag of sweets.她不断地伸手从那袋糖果里拿糖吃。The children were invited to dip their hands into the barrel for a present.孩子们被邀请把手伸进木桶里取礼物。3.在(水)里游一会儿The swimmer dipped into the river but it was too cold.游泳者在水里稍游了一会儿, 但水太凉了。4.好像突然沉入到(水)中The sun seems to dip into the sea each evening.每晚太阳都好像沉到海里去了。5.浏览, 稍加审视I haven't read the report properly—I've only dipped into it.我还没有好好阅读这份报告——我只是浏览了一下。6.动用The company had to dip into a reserve fund to pay for all the new equipment.公司不得不动用储备金来支付全部新设备的费用。




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