

词汇 connect with
释义 connect withconnect with1.与…连接The living room connects with the toilet.客厅与卫生间相连。You must connect this wire with that one.你必须把这条电线和那条接起来。The village is connected by a bus service with the nearest town.公共汽车把该村与最近的市镇联系起来。2.使有关系This sentence does not seem to connect with the context.这个句子似乎与上下文脱节。The police have sufficient evidence to connect the suspect with the explosion.警察有充足的证据认为该疑犯与爆炸案有关。A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him.一个好学生应该将他读到的东西与他在周围看到的东西联系起来。He is connected with the affairs.他和此事有关系。His research work is connected with these experiments.他的研究工作与这些实验有联系。3.用电话同…相联系Connect me with the Foreign Languages Department, please.请给我接外语系。4.转乘, 及时赶乘




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