

词汇 damage
释义 damagedamageD.J.:[ˈdæmidʒ]K.K.:[ˈdæmɪdʒ]vt. & vi.1.损害, 毁坏, 加害于Bone china damages easily.骨瓷容易破损。This cloth damages easily.这件衣服很容易坏。Wool usually damages if washed in hot water.毛织物用热水洗一定会受 损。You've damaged my bicycle.You shan't have it again.你把我的自行车弄坏了。你别想再用了。Hailstones damaged crops and even killed farm animals.冰雹毁坏了农作物, 甚至打死了牲畜。A fire has damaged the school houses.一场大火毁坏了学校的房子 。The bomb destroyed two buildings and damaged several others.炸弹炸毁了两幢建筑物, 炸坏了另外几幢房屋。Drinking and smoking can damage your health.饮酒和吸烟会损害你的健康。They shot down or damaged about 10 enemy planes.他们击落击伤大约10架敌机。He tried to use it to damage our international reputation.他企图利用此事来破坏我们的国际声誉。Their failures in this area have damaged their self-confidence and creditability.他们在这一领域的失败使他们的自信心和可信度受损。This lock is damaged.This door will never open!这把锁坏了。门打不开了!Many houses were damaged by the earthquake.许多房屋在地震中遭到毁坏。If men breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged.如果人们吸入这种细微的漆雾, 他们的肺部就会受到损伤。Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of her long illness.久病使她的心脏受到一些损伤。The police acknowledged that three police vehicles were damaged.警方承认有三辆警车被毁。His political reputation was damaged due to his illegal marriage.他的政治名誉由于他的非法婚姻而受到诋毁。n.1.损失, 损害, 损毁2.损害赔偿金




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