

词汇 average out
释义 average outaverage out1.达到…的平均数; 以…的平均数为结果Rainfall averages out in this part of the country at 800mm a year.我国这个地区的年平均降雨量为800毫米。John's taxes averaged out to about a fifth of his income.约翰缴付的税款平均达到他收入的五分之一左右。2.求出…的平均数The statisticians averaged out the number of people receiving college degrees in every one thousand persons.统计学家算出了每千人中受大学教育的平均数。We may get something in total, but averaging it out, each of us will get only next to nothing.总起来讲, 我们能得到一些, 但平均起来每个人几乎一无所得。




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