

词汇 flood
释义 floodfloodD.J.:[flʌd]K.K.:[flʌd]vt. & vi.1.(使)为水淹没Our street floods whenever we have rain.我们的街道一下雨就淹水。Every spring the river floods the valley.每年春天, 河水都会淹没这个溪谷。2.大量涌来Letters flooded the office.办公室里到处是信件。3.充满Cheap plastic bowls and buckets flood (into) the market.低廉的塑料碗和塑料桶充斥市场。vi.1.泛滥, 溢出After such a storm I'm surprised the river hasn't flooded.这样一场暴风雨之后, 我很惊讶河水竟然没有泛滥。n.1.洪水, 水灾The floods were a cataclysm from which the local people never recovered.经历了这场特大洪水, 当地人民元气大伤, 很难恢复。2.大量, 大批There followed a great flood of indignation in the newspapers.随后, 报纸连篇累牍地刊载了表示义愤的文章。




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