

词汇 fetch out
释义 fetch outfetch out1.把…从(室内)拿出〔搬出〕It's warm enough to fetch out the garden chairs.天气转暖了, 该把花园椅搬出来了。2.使出现〔被看到〕; 使显出(意义、光彩等)Ade never fetches out his best dishes even when guests arrive.即便来了客人, 艾德也不把他最好的盘碟摆出来。The warm sun fetched the flowers out.温暖的阳光使鲜花盛开。Plenty of money often fetches out a person's worst qualities.面对大量的金钱往往会使人暴露出最坏的品质。3.生产, 创造Haas has fetched out another new book.哈斯又写了一本新书。4.鼓励〔引〕(某人)做…(尤指讲话)Rose is very quiet. Try to fetch her out at the party.露丝很文静, 设法鼓励她在聚会上说说话。




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