

词汇 fetch up
释义 fetch upfetch up1.停止The car suddenly fetched up before a big tree.那辆汽车突然在一棵大树前停住了。He was fetched up short by the red light.他突然被红灯拦住。2.〈主英, 非正〉到达We fetch up at the wharf exactly on time.我们准时到达码头。3.〈非正〉呕出, 吐出She's been fetching up all morning.她已经呕吐了一个上午。The child has fetched up all dinner again.那孩子又一次把吃的东西吐了出来。4.把…带到楼上Please fetch up the tea-things.请把茶具拿到楼上来。5.〈英, 非正〉成为…Who would have guessed that he would fetch up as director of the firm?谁能想到他会成为公司的总裁?




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