

词汇 floor
释义 floorfloorD.J.:[flɔ:]K.K.:[flɔr, flor]n.1.地面, 地板A Turkey carpet adorned the floor.地板上铺着土耳其地毯。2.楼层Our office is on the second floor.我们的办公室在二楼。3.On the floor of the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps.这几个盆地的底部有沙漠、湖泊和沼泽。4.发言权The representative shouted for the floor.那位代表嚷着要发言。vt.1.给…铺地板The carpenter will floor this room with oak.木匠将用橡木铺设这个房间的地板。2.把…打倒在地The soldier floored his attacker with one heavy blow.士兵重重一拳, 把向他进攻的人打倒在地。3.击败, 打败I was floored by his argument and had to admit defeat.我被他驳倒了, 只得承认失败。




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