

词汇 get out
释义 get outget out1.出来, 出去, 走开There were so many people in the doorway that we could hardly get out.门口那么多人, 我们简直走不出去。Get out!I won't hear you.滚开! 我不要听你的话。2.(使)出现, (使)逃出Few of the enemy troops got out alive.敌军生还者很少。They could not find a way to get themselves out.他们无法找到一条逃生之路。3.从车上下来I shall get out at the next station.我将在下一站下车。4.开始被人知道; 泄漏出To his surprise the news soon got out.使他惊奇的是, 消息很快就泄露出去了。Handle with care, or the acid may get out.小心轻放, 否则酸会溢出来。5.参加社交活动John advised Peter to get out and mix more with people.约翰劝彼得出去参加社交活动, 多跟人们往来。6.(天气)变得(晴朗等)It got out very fine.天气变得很好。7.出版, 发行They got the book out quickly.他们很快出版了那本书。A new version of the dictionary has been got out.这部词典的一种新版本已经问世。8.作出; 完成They managed to get the plans out on time.他们总算按时订出了计划。9.(成功地)解决, 解答出Not a single boy in the class could get the problem out.班上没有一个学生解得出这道题。10.探听出, 盘问出We got out some information about the enemy's dispositions from the captured enemy officer.我们从捕获的敌军官那里问出一些有关敌军部署的情况。




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