

词汇 hurl at
释义 hurl athurl at1.将(某物)猛掷向(某物或某人)I hurled a lance at him.我把长矛朝他掷去。The men hurled a bomb at the restaurant from their car.那些人从他们的汽车里把一颗炸弹扔向餐厅。2.狂热地追求(某人)Grace ought to be ashamed of herself, hurling herself at that boy so openly.格雷斯这样公开地追求那个小伙子, 真应该感到害臊。3.辱骂, 责骂They hurled abuse and insults at the speaker.他们谩骂和侮辱演讲者。He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake.他对着这个犯了错误的可怜人大声叫骂。




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