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词汇 hold down
释义 hold downhold down1.压住, 使固定He took a dictionary to hold down the test papers for fear that they might be blown away by the wind.他拿了本词典压住试卷, 以防被风吹走。We must hold down the tents because of the strong wind.风很大, 我们必须把帐篷固定好。2.限制, 控制The government has done something to hold down food prices.政府已经采取措施控制食品价格上涨。3.镇压, 压制, 使屈服They tried every means to hold down the workers on strike.他们采取一切手段镇压罢工工人。You won't be able to hold such a man down.你是无法叫这样的人屈服的。The whole nation was held down by the cruel rule of the king.整个国家处于国王的残酷统治的压制之下。




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