

词汇 give up
释义 give upgive up1.放弃; 认输; 猜不出I can't answer that puzzle; I give up.我猜不出这个谜语, 我认输了。She will give up this journey.她将放弃这次旅行。Bad habits are not easily given up.恶习难改。Have you given up drinking whisky before breakfast?你在早餐以前已不喝威士忌了吗?2.交出; 自首We had to give up the castle to the enemy.我们只得把城堡拱手让给了敌人。3.宣布无法医治; 对…不抱希望The doctors gave my uncle up, but he lived.医生们认为我叔叔的病无法治好, 但他却活了下来。4.泄露When will the desert give up its secrets to mankind?沙漠何时才会向人类显露它的秘密呢?




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