

词汇 hammer in
释义 hammer inhammer in1.用锤敲击He hammered in the nail.他用锤把钉子敲了进去。Help me to hammer in these last few nails. I'm tired!帮我把最后这几个钉子钉上, 我太累了。2.用力敲击, 用力敲入They hammered in the door and then charged into the room.他们撞开了门冲进房间。3.〈非正〉反复灌输, 不断地努力强调He'll hammer some information in whether that child likes it or not.不管那个小孩喜欢不喜欢, 他要反复灌输一些知识给他。I want to hammer in a few facts if I can.要是能够的话, 我要反复强调几个事实。




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