

词汇 give way (to)
释义 give way (to)give way (to)1.断裂, 倒塌, 垮了The floor gave way under the heavy weight.地板被重物压塌了。His health has given way.他身体垮了。2.让某人在先, 让出, 放弃You must give way when you come to this junction.你到了这个路口必须让路。Give way to traffic coming from the right.让右方驶来的车辆先行。3.听任自己流露He gave way to tears.他痛哭流涕。4.让步, 妥协A deadlock was reached in the discussions, as neither side would give way to the other.讨论陷入僵局, 因为双方各不相让。5.被代替Steam trains gave way to electric trains.蒸汽火车被电气火车取代。




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