

词汇 gather up
释义 gather upgather up1.采集, 收拾He gathered up the books and put them away.他把书收拾好收了起来。We gather up from various sources a great amount of firsthand data.我们从各种来源收集了大量第一手资料。2.收紧, 收缩(肌肉等)She gathered up the child in her arms.她双手把孩子抱了起来。Gather up your muscles and jump.收紧肌肉, 然后起跳。3.鼓起; 酝酿Gathering up all his courage, he turned to face the enemy.他鼓足勇气, 转身面对敌人。You should gather yourself up to complete a difficult task.你应该打起精神去完成一项艰巨的任务。4.〈美, 口〉拘捕Gather him up!抓住他!




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