

词汇 keep in
释义 keep inkeep in1.(使)留在家里Seeing such fine weather, the boys could scarcely keep in.看到这样的好天气, 男孩们在屋里待不住了。His mother kept him in until he had finished his homework.他母亲把他关在家里, 直到他做完家庭作业。2.(罚学生)放学后留校The teacher kept the student in because he was naughty.那个学生因为顽皮放学后被老师留在学校里。The boy was kept in until 6 o'clock.这小孩被留校, 一直到六点。3.抑制You should keep in your bad temper.你应该控制你的坏脾气。Jim was able to keep his anger in to avoid a fight.吉姆控制住了自己的愤怒从而避免了一场争斗。4.(使)继续燃烧The fire will keep in if you add coal into it from time to time.不时添点煤, 火就不会熄。Shall we keep the fire in or let out?我们是让火继续烧呢, 还是让它熄灭?5.收进, 缩进Stand straight and keep your stomach muscles in.请站直, 收腹。6.储备, 储存I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests.我总保存些好酒, 用来招待不速之客。7.保留…But that's the best joke in the play; let's keep it in.但那是整部戏中最精彩的一个笑话, 就保留着吧。




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