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词汇 lay out
释义 lay outlay out1.陈设; 展开She laid out all her new clothes on the bed.她把她所有的新衣服都摊开在床上。The goods for sale were attractively laid out.供出售的商品都陈列了出来, 极引人注目。2.设计The architect laid out the interior of the building.建筑师完成了这幢建筑的内部设计。Our plan must be well laid out before we begin to work.我们在开始工作之前, 必须制定好计划。3.〈非正〉花钱, 花力气He has laid out all his strength and is weary.他使出了全部气力, 非常疲倦。She will be willing to lay out 2000 dollars for a washing machine.她乐意花2000美元买一台洗衣机。Her money is well laid out.她的钱用得很合理。4.〈非正〉击倒, 打倒With one blow he laid his attacker out.他一拳将攻击者打倒。One step further and you'll be laid out.再往前一步我就要把你打倒。She was laid out by the intense heat.酷热使她昏了过去。




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