

词汇 nail
释义 nailnailD.J.:[neil]K.K.:[nel]n.1.钉子, 钉状物He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤就把钉子敲进去了。Magnets attract nails.磁铁吸引铁钉。2.指甲, 趾甲I have tried to discourage him from biting nails.我曾劝阻他不要咬指甲。My nails are too long, I must file them down.我的指甲太长了, 必须把它们锉平。vt.1.钉住, 钉牢He nailed boards together to make a box.他把几块木板钉在一起做了一个箱子。2.抓住, 逮住Has the police nailed the man?警察抓住那个人了吗?




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