

词汇 knock into
释义 knock intoknock into1.打进; 撞进Can you knock this nail into the wood?你能把这钉子钉进木头里吗?It takes more skill than it looks to knock the ball into the hole.要把球打进洞里看起来算不了什么, 其实很需要技术。2.偶然碰到(某人)I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.我今天上午在镇上碰到了过去教过我的老师。3.〈非正〉把…灌输给Can't you knock some sense into that stupid boy's head?难道你不能下下工夫让那个笨孩子开窍?4.〈口〉彻底击败At the last election, the Government won easily, knocking the Opposition into a cocked hat.在上次选举中, 政府挫败了反对党, 轻而易举地取得了胜利。




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