

词汇 incline to
释义 incline toincline to1.向…方向弯, 倾斜The road inclines to the right.这条路偏向右边。2.(使)具有…倾向The color is yellow inclining to green.那颜色是黄中带绿的。I incline to tiredness in winter.我在冬天易感疲倦。I incline to his opinion on this matter.对这件事我倾向于他的观点。Neither side in the dispute inclined to compromise.争执中的双方谁也不肯妥协。Increasing knowledge inclines one to further study.与日俱增的知识使人更倾向于更进一步的研究。The old are inclined to cold.上了年纪的人容易感冒。




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