

词汇 live in
释义 live inlive in1.住在学习〔工作〕的地方Jack decided to live in during his freshman year at college.杰克决定大一时住校。It's cheaper for most nurses to live in.对大多数护士来说, 住在医院里要便宜一些。2.住在(某地); 存在于…; 为…而生存I've been living in this city since my family moved here twenty years ago.自从20年前我家搬到这里以来, 我一直住在这个城市。I'd like to go to the country and live in a small way.我想去乡下过简朴、安静的生活。What a wretched life they lived in the workhouse!他们在济贫院里过的生活真悲惨!




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