

词汇 make
释义 makemakeD.J.:[meik]K.K.:[mek]vt.1.做; 制造; 被制造He'll make a kite for me.他将给我做个风筝。She makes all her clothes.她的衣服都是自己缝制的。Boots are made in this tannery.这家皮革工厂生产皮靴。2.做出, 制定, 产生She made no answer.她没作答复。Once a decision is made, we must carry it out.一旦做了决定, 我们就要执行。3.使, 使得The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him.那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑。That makes me mad!这简直使我发疯!The boss made Tom work long hours.老板逼着汤姆长时间地干活。Everybody must be made to understand that.务必让每个人都懂得这一点。4.获得, 挣得He made 600 pounds last year.他去年赚了600镑。5.总计, 等于6.成为, 使成为Medical knowledge alone doesn't make a good doctor.单有医学知识并不能成为一个好医生。The hall would make a good theatre.这个大厅可以当一个很好的剧场。You'll find us all wanting to make friends with you.你会发现我们都希望与你交朋友。She would make him a good wife.她可以成为他的贤妻。Newton was made President of the Royal Society.牛顿被选为皇家学会会长。7.到达She'll never make the summit.她永远到不了山顶。8.准备; 整理9.认为; 估计He looked at the moon and made the time to be midnight.他看了看月亮, 估计时间是半夜了。He made it important that everything should be finished.他认识到每件事完成的重要性。He made it a useless attempt to advise her.他认为试图劝她是无用的。vi.1.开始; 试图She made to cry.她哭起来了。2.行进, 趋向The ship was making towards the pier.船正驶向码头。The thief made towards the open window.小偷好像要走向开着的窗户。All the evidence makes in your favour.所有证据都对你有利。He made as if he had not seen me.他装作没有看见我的样子。3.增长起来The snow made fast.雪很快地堆起来了。n.1.制造, 样式, 牌子, 类型This is of Japanese make.这是日本制造的。The make is very poor.这样式很差。They sell all makes of washing machines.他们销售各种牌号的洗衣机。John is a man of this make.约翰是这种类型的人。2.体格; 气质He has the make of an athlete.他有运动员的体格。




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