

词汇 look through
释义 look throughlook through1.仔细检查〔审查〕(某物)I'll look your suggestion through before passing it to the committee.我要先审查一下你的建议然后再送交委员会。2.对(某人)视而不见I said good morning but she looked me straight through and walked on.我对她道了声早安, 可她却视而不见径直走了过去。3.穿过…看I looked through a telescope.我用望远镜看东西。4.看穿〔识破〕(某人或某事)I have looked through the man; he hasn't any real learning.我已看透那个人了, 他没有一点真才实学。Every time I try to fool him, he looks through my tricks.我每次企图愚弄他都被他识破了。5.粗略地翻阅; 细审…He looks through several newspapers before breakfast.他早饭前通常浏览几份报纸。




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