

词汇 plant on
释义 plant onplant on1.(把…)稳固地放在…之上Planting his case on the table, he looked at us expectantly.他把箱子在桌子上放稳, 以期待的目光望着我们。2.使击中…After a few minutes, the young fighter planted a blow on his opponent's chin that seemed to hurt him.几分钟后, 那位年轻的拳击手一拳击中了对方的下巴, 似乎把他打伤了。3.栽赃给…A thief planted the television set he had stolen on this innocent old woman.一个贼把偷来的电视机栽赃给这位无辜的老太太。I didn't steal these jewels—they've been planted on me.我没有偷珠宝, 是他们栽赃给我的。




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