

词汇 polish
释义 polishpolishD.J.:[ˈpɔliʃ]K.K.:[ˈpɑlɪʃ]vt. & vi.1.(使)光滑, 擦亮The wood won't polish.这种木材无法磨光。They polished the car.他们擦亮了汽车。He polished the floor smooth.他把地板磨得光滑。vt.1.文饰Would you please polish my article right now?您现在把我的文章润色一下好吗?n.1.光泽剂, 上光蜡, 亮漆The polish is rubbed off.上光蜡被擦掉了。2.光亮, 光滑A hot plate will spoil the table's polish.热盘子会弄坏桌面的光泽。3.擦亮, 磨光Use brown polish on these shoes.用棕色的鞋油擦这双鞋。4.优美, 高雅, 完善His writing has potential but lacks polish.他的写作很有潜力, 但是不够优美。




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