

词汇 simply
释义 simplysimplyD.J.:[ˈsimpli]K.K.:[ˈsɪmpli]adv.1.简单地; 简易地; 朴素地To put it simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10% better paid.简单地说, 新建议意味着一个普通工人的工资将增加10%。They dressed neatly and simply.他们衣着整洁朴素。2.仅仅; 只不过I have never met our new neighbours; I simply know them by sight.我从未接触过我们的新邻居, 只见过面。What we need is simply money, money and money.我们所需的仅仅是钱而已。The drink consists simply of fresh oranges.这饮料仅含新鲜橘汁。I don't like driving; I do it simply because I have to get to work each day.我不喜欢开车, 只是因为我每天必须开车上班。3.〈非正〉实在, 简直, 非常My brother's English pronunciation is simply terrible.我兄弟的英语发音实在糟透了。It is simply ridiculous to attempt such a thing.试图干这种事, 简直可笑。The meat was so tough that I simply couldn't get it down.这肉太老了, 我简直咽不下去。




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