

词汇 scene
释义 scenesceneD.J.:[si:n]K.K.:[sin]n.1.(戏剧的)一场, (电影、电视的)一个镜头, (小说的)一节They have added a new scene at the beginning.在开头他们又增加了一场戏。2.背景, 现场He has designed all the scenes and costumes.他设计了全部布景和服装。3.地点The murder suspect couldn't explain away his fingerprints at the scene.这个杀人嫌疑犯解释不清为什么在杀人现场会留有他的指纹。4.景色, 景象We climbed higher so that we might see the scenes better.我们又往高处爬以便能更好地观看这景色。5.发脾气, 吵闹She doesn't like to make a scene before strangers.当着生人的面, 她不愿大吵大闹。




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