

词汇 toast
释义 toasttoastD.J.:[təust]K.K.:[tost]n.1.烤面包, 吐司I ate two slices of toast.我吃了两片吐司。2.干杯; 祝酒词I suggest to propose a toast to our friendship.我建议为我们的友谊干杯。3.接受敬酒的人The old man was the toast of the whole neighbourhood.这老人受到邻里的交口称赞。vt. & vi.1.The bread toasts well.这面包烤得很好。She toasted slices of bread for refreshments.她烤了几片面包当茶点。I toasted the bread very dark.我把面包烤得很焦。2.向…祝酒, 为…干杯Let's all toast the bride and bridegroom.让我们为新郎新娘干杯。




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