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batching sphere batching table batch initiation batch input reader Batchinsky relation
batch interface file batch interface log file batch ion exchange batch irradiation batch job
batch job foreground partition batch job image batch job queue batch kiln batch kneader
batch layer batch leaching batch lease real estate batch-leasing landed property batch loader
batch loading batch manufacturing batch mass batch material batch melting
batch message processing batch message processing (BMP) program batch message processing program batchmeter batch meter
batch method batch method of operation batch method of treatment batch metre batch mill
batch mix batch mixer batch mixing batch-mode data processing batch monitor
batch number batch of products for inspection batch oil batch-operated computer system batch operating system
batch operation batch operation method batch-oriented BMP program batch partition batch pasteurization
batch pasteurizer batch pellet batch pelletizing batch pickling batch pile
batch pipelining batch plant batch polymerization batch preparation plant batch pricing
batch print function batch process batch processing batch processing interrupt batch processing mode
batch processing operating system batch processing program batch processing simulation batch processing system batch processing terminal
batch processor batch processor log batch process system batch production batch production process
batch program batch proof batch purification batch PVS batch quantity
batch quantity analysis batch query batch queue be pressed to be pressed with
be prodigal of be productive of be proficient in be proficient in professional and technical work be profuse in
be prognostic of be prolific of be prolonged accordingly be prolonged in a similar manner be promised to
be prone to be prone to err be propitious to be proud of be public knowledge
bepuff be puffed up with pride be pulled out from the ground be pumped out be purchased in small quantities
be pushed for be put in storage be put in the bag be put out of action be put to the push
be put under arrest bepuzzle bepuzzlement be qualified be qualified for
bequeath bequeathal bequeather bequeathment be queer for
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