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affuse affusion AFG AFG AFGE
AFGE afghan Afghan Afghan hound afghani
Afghani Afghanistan Afghanistani Afghanistanism AF hum pick-up
AFI AFI afibrillar cementum afibrinogenemia AFIC
AFIC aficionada aficionado aficot afield
a field army a field of honour a fierce battle Afifi cotton a fifteen minutes frequency
a fifty-fifty chance afilamentous desmosome a file of men afiliated circuit a fine day for young ducks
afine herd of horses a fine penny a finger in the pie a finger on the wall a finish fight
a finishing stroke AFIP AFIP AFIPS AFIPS
afire a firm hand a fish a fish out of water Afiume
AFL AFL AFLA AFLA a flag pole
aflame aflare a flash in the pan aflat aflatoxicosis
aflatoxigenic strain aflatoxin aflatoxin meter AFLCLO AFLCLO
a flea in one's ear a flea in sb's ear a fleeting show a flight of ambition a flight of fancy
a flight of imagination a flight of stairs Aflix afloat afloat contact
afloat evaporimeter afloat goods afloat joining ship sections a flock of a flourish of trumpets
aflush aflutter a fly in amber a fly in the ointment a fly on the wall
a fly on the wheel AFM AFM AFMAG AF modulation
AFO afocal afocal imaging system afocal lens afocal optical system
afocal system a foe worthy of sb.'s steel a.f.of l. a.f.of l. Afognak Island
afoliate a fond afond a fool of circumstances a fool's errand
Americanization Americanize American jade American larch American leech
American Legion American linden American lion American melting point American Morse code
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